As we arrived at the Garden of Palms in West Hollywood, we increasingly became super eager to present a topic that we are all passionate about: dreams. Upon entering the building, we all shared our most memorable dreams with each other, and were excited to see what dreams the residents had to share. As we began setting up our presentation on the screen, many residents trickled in excited to learn.
Our presentation started with the definition of sleep and how important it is for our health. Next, we presented the most common dreams that one may experience. This sparked plenty of questions and comments, as many residents started to share that they have indeed experienced that dream! It was such a fun and engaging conversation! After discussing common dreams, we talked about different theories of dreams from several famous psychologists: Sigmund Freud, Allan Hanson, Robert Mccarley, and G. William Domhoff. These theories sparked comments of interest and siding with which theory they sided with.
Towards the end of our presentation, we asked everyone what their favorite dream is. We went around in a circle, starting with ourselves, in order to get the ball rolling! Everyone was laughing, smiling, and going into depth about their most memorable dreams! Some people shared scary dreams, recurring dreams, or expressed that they do not remember their dreams. After everyone shared, we stayed a bit to converse with one of the residents about her experience with dreams. We, then, packed all of our things and said bye to all the residents. Our presentation on dreams was definitely a success!