We returned to the Garden of Palms with a new presentation on Extraterrestrial Life. Upon arrival, there was already an organized crowd participating in a game of Bingo. While we waited for them to complete their game, we were able to set up our presentation and the microphone.
This week’s presentation was definitely difficult but also incredibly rewarding. The concept of extraterrestrial life has been discussed for decades, yet we are still uncertain about whether there could be intelligent beings in space. There will always exist differing opinions of the possibility of alien life, and thus we were nervous about how the presentation topic would be received. Fortunately, the topic was very popular and successfully brought other philosophical ideas about the advancements of the human brain, prosocial communications across civilizations, as well as current marine exploration. From this visit, not only were the presenters able to discuss findings about the potential for life outside of earth, but the audience was also able to raise new questions about modern technologies and advancements in space that we had not thought of. One individual even asked about the next NASA space launch, which we were able to determine to be in November. This discussion was insightful for all parties involved. Concluding our presentation, an audience member voiced their deep appreciation for us coming to visit and bring up new concepts weekly. She mentioned that, for her fellow elders who have not been in school for a long time, these presentations represented an achievable way to continue their pursuit of knowledge. With such positive and warm regards, we are excited to return in future weeks with more topics and activities.
Crystal Yu, Porter Stein, Trishia Hoang on 10/16/2022