We went to the Garden of Palms for another visit today! Since we already introduced virtual reality during our last visit, we thought that it would be a good idea to discuss the technology behind the hardware. We started off by explaining how the headset worked. There were a few nods and some questions regarding it. Then we explained that nausea and dizziness might result from spending too much time in VR. During our presentation, we anticipated hearing objections to this technology, but that was not the case at all. In fact, many of them were very excited about trying the VR headset.
One of the residents, Andrew, had grown up in Budapest. He lived there from the 1940s until the 2000s, and it was very moving when we showed him a virtual tour of Budapest. He reminisced about his childhood memories and shared with us how much he missed the place. We also show some other residents VR clips of space, skiing, and climbing Mount Everest. They were all amazed and thrilled by the experience, and it was wonderful to see their expressions of wonder and excitement.
Overall, we learned during this visit that a lot of the residents enjoy technology even though they cannot always understand everything. We also learned that technology, such as VR, can bring the elderly population a lot of benefits! It can help them to stay connected, to learn new things, and to experience the world in a new way. We are excited to continue exploring the possibilities of VR in our future visits and to see the impact it can have on the lives of the residents.